HUMAN Surveys

Data source: HUMAN Surveys

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Human Understanding Measured Across National (HUMAN) Surveys combines multiple sources of public opinion data and creates commonly formatted variables. Authors harmonize public opinion surveys that are (1) nationally representative of adult populations and (2) freely available to use.

Last updated by source: 2018-05-03

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Klassen, A. (2018). Human understanding measured across national (HUMAN) surveys: Country-year data. Harvard Dataverse.

Variables in this dataset:

   Perceived Electoral Integrity Index
QoG Code: hum_peii

Perceived Electoral Integrity Index scores represent an average of all country-survey scores available within each country-year observation. Overlapping country-survey are averaged to create unique country-year observations. Scores range from 0 representing the lowest possible level of integrity to 100 representing the highest possible level.

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   Satisfaction with Democracy Index
QoG Code: hum_satdem

Satisfaction with Democracy Index represent an average of all country-survey scores available within each country-year observation. Overlapping country-survey are averaged to create unique country-year observations. Scores range from 0 representing the lowest possible level of satisfaction to 100 representing the highest possible level.

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   Social Trust Index
QoG Code: hum_sti

Social Trust Index represent an average of all country-survey scores available within each country-year observation. Overlapping country-survey are averaged to create unique country-year observations. Scores range from 0 representing the lowest possible level of trust to 100 representing the highest possible level.

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   Support for Democracy Index
QoG Code: hum_supdem

Support for Democracy Index represent an average of all country-survey scores available within each country-year observation. Overlapping country-survey are averaged to create unique country-year observations. Scores range from 0 representing the lowest possible level of support to 100 representing the highest possible level.

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